A lawyer-friend told me recently that States have some jurisdiction over parents when it comes to decisions about minor children. Although, I don't understand how that works, I do know that school districts nation-wide have been "pulling rank" over parents with increasing frequency and making some pretty rank "mandatory decisions." Parents with kids in public schools have almost no say. Now New Jersey wants to vaccinate the babies for colds and flu!
The modern vaccine movement is a racket—the easy money du jour for pharmaceuticals. They rule what MDs do and say, then our witless public officials fall promptly in line. It's an easy $trillion each time a vaccine becomes mandatory, and that money is guaranteed-subsidized by the State.
The first vaccinations were in response to a clear and present danger. Now its the "likelihood" of complication from the "likelihood" of a cold that prompts a state-wide hijacking of parental authority. Doesn't New Jersey have bigger fish to fry anyway? These preschoolers aren't a threat to the State, UNLESS this is a means to address the crisis of emergency rooms being used as clinics to treat colds and flu! If that is the case, shame on New Jersey, CDC, and all those medical associations for being so manipulative. Deal with the real problem, and stop forcing American families to absorb the consequence of your failure and greed.
This is crazy, why vaccinate a toddler against a cold?
Stop pushing the toxic, high-fructose, genetically (untested) modified foods down the throats of preschoolers and colds won't be such a threat. Oh yea, preschools cannot get Federal money unless they provide government prescribed meals featuring refined food hall-of-famers such as commercial macaroni and cheese and peanut butter (made in China) and jelly on white bread. Plus all kids must be vaccinated with the other eight or nine vaccines to get into those preschools.
Isn't it cheaper to pass out free vitamins?
I think so, however pharmaceuticals have exhausted existing vaccine markets and now want fresh new venues for their wares. The elderly are doped up on every conceivable medication. Pre-teen girls are already in the vat, and pre-teen boys are being introduced to a new steroid everyday. The only group where pharmaceuticals don't have a comparable market share—babies and toddlers. Every child born is a potential stream of income for these companies.
Too many vaccines have more serious side-effects than the indications they are designed to address. These meds are put on the market immediately and the age of the vaccinated is increasing younger. Right now, the CDC wants pre-teen girls to be vaccinated for sexually transmitted microbes that accompany promiscuity. Districts in Massachusetts are distributing birth control pills to 11-year old girls without parental knowledge! No doubt, I abhor with this trend. Parents are scorned as nuisances, and administrators drink whatever kool-aid they are given, and in a drunken stupor, issue their golden edicts.
I wish we could know how much money passes under the table to get a school district or an entire state on board with the latest scare.
Parents, if this is a test, it won't stop here. It is critical to get interested in the vaccination issue and study these things for yourselves. And scream louder, if Mr. Administrator won't listen.
December 14, 2007
December 04, 2007
Mayor Phil Gordon Changes His Tune: Was He Telling the Truth In the First Place?
Not two months ago, after a press conference with the Phoenix police union, Gordon declared he had no control over Phoenix Op Order 1.4.3. He verified that it was up to the Police Chief and he was not supposed to have any say in the matter. At that time, Gordon stood by the order and basically inferred we were racists to want to change it.
Gordon is untrustworthy at best. It would be a great disservice to the state of Arizona were he to pursue another elected position. All of his wrangling and manipulation suggests that he thinks Phoenix residents are mindless and forgetful stooges. Most definitely, we are not.
Now, enter the threat of a career-maiming law suit from Judicial Watch and Gordon sings a couple of octaves higher. He continues his shameless blame-fest against the federal government while trying to backpedal his way upstream to the governors office. Per his new edict, "the federal government is unable to complete what they should be doing, and I as mayor cannot allow the situation, the status quo, to stay the same and risk public safety."
Of all his blundering, transparently self-serving, politically-motivated, conspicuously egregious ploys, this takes the cake!
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