January 11, 2007

The Iraq War: No One Needs To Tell You How You Feel About It

Is there a terrorist threat? And if there is a threat, do I think it affects me? Furthermore, if I have an opinion, should it drive war strategy in Iraq. My answer: yes, yes, no.

I watched the Presidential Address about Iraq tonight and afterward, I watched the “post-game show.” This was not this first time I tuned to the analysts, but this time, all the noisy cogitating really got under my skin. This time, I’d heard enough malarkey about opinion polls and what anybody thinks “the American people want.”

Every political activists claims to know what we want. This doesn't bother me normally, even though some of them think Americans are mindlessly controlled by the power of suggestion. I felt that way throughout the debate on illegal immigration. I have conservative political views, and I consider myself to be a discerning and concerned citizen. I do believe there is an imminent threat to U.S. citizens rising from religiously motivated violence. I do believe this will affect me and my family significantly if allowed to persist unchecked. How to check it? Well, I suppose that is why we built a military force and intelligence network like none other. What we need are brilliant strategies. What we don’t need are misguided theories about public opinion as though public opinion is the substance of strategy or policy. Opinion poll puppets trying to shovel in political agendas should be called to the table for their dullness.

We know what to do with our public opinions. We take them to the polls. We send them via telephone, post, and email to the halls of congress. We can even hit the streets and fuss all night.

My concern is not that Americans are mindlessly persuaded by public opinion polls. My concern is that more and more, Americans are bogged down with the happenings of life. Too busy with jobs and diapers and holidays and bills. We have real opinions that have a place in our government. My concern is that we are not taking a breath long enough to send the email or write the letter. Maybe our generals don’t post them on walls of the war room, but it’s time we deny wily statesmen the latitude to pass empty laws based on empty statistics and give them some real numbers to crunch.

Write your representatives. Tell them what you think about more troops in Iraq. It will make a difference somewhere in the future.

Send a quick note to your senator: http://senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Send a quick note to your congressmen: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Read plain information about our government: http://www.thegreenpapers.com/
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Don't silently let others mishandle the crises you will bear. Make some kind of noise...be heard.