June 05, 2009

2010 Arizona Governor's Race

For the 2010 Arizona Governor's Race, Conservatives Need Superior Organization

Another blue governor in a red state is untenable.

Liberal bloggers are already slamming non-liberals candidates, but with Terry Goddard in the race, they are in the same position as conservativesÑfacing an uninspiring race in 2010.

Jan Brewer repeats the mistakes of George Bush and is setting the stage for hissing at Republicans. Conservatives need to constrast the difference between conservative and Republican this year. Not next year. But here's the reason for so little buzz on the topic of the 2010 Race. These contenders who are considering a run or suspected of considering a run:

Janelle L. Wood - Insurance Agent

Jan Brewer - Governor - Big tax lady has already got the AZ Republic in her corner.

John Paul Mitchell - http://aznextgov.org/- Currently a call center manager and an ordained Sanatana Dharma Swami. But he opposes government support of illegal aliens and taxes.

Karen Johnson - Former AZ House Rep. from Show Low. Ron Paul-esque. She's being slammed left and right by the left right out of the gate. Good for maintaining states rights.

Hugh Kealer - http://www.hughkealer.com/ - Business Accountant

Tim Willis - http://twillis4gov.com/ - Pastor of Congress Community Church (CCC)

Roy "Does anyone seriously believe that we have a shortage of lawyers?" Miller http://www.azcentral.com/members/Blog/Roy5815/ - Helped found the Goldwater Institute. A moderate who said he'll step down if a brand name candidate gets into the race.

Terry Goddard - State Attorney General who tried to shafted Arizona voters on Prop. 200 along with budget-wrecker Janet Napolitano. His father, Sam Goddard, served as Arizona’s Governor in the 60s.

Barry Goldwater Jr. - Goldwater Institute. Supported by Ron Paul.


John Shadegg

Jeff Flake

JD Hayworth

Treasurer Dean Martin

June 02, 2009

Russell Pearce Takes On Sanctuary Policies

Arizona is "Ground Zero" for the Border Patrol and Arizona senator calls a hearing May 21, 2009 to examine the practice of politicians who don't aggressively enforce immigration laws. He says they should be removed from office.

Sen. Russell Pearce proposed prohibiting cities and counties from having policies that limit the full enforcement of federal immigration law. The strategy is to preempt individual police departments that try to establishing individual sanctuary policies.

May 17, 2009

Terrorist Drill at Ground Zero

Its always unsettling when firefighters and police show up. But hundreds of them swarmed Ground Zero Sunday, May 17, 2009 about a week after Obama's airforce jet scared New Yorkers out of their offices. This was the largest security exercise here since the September 11, 2001 attacks.

This was an elaborate dress rehearsal for a possible future terror strike, all with simulated bombs, and 150 volunteers playing the role of victimized passengers aboard the commuter train.


February 09, 2009

Rancher Sued by Illegal Aliens

Rancher Roger Barnett, 64 has my sympathy and moral support. Trespassers have destroyed his property, killed his calves and broken into his home, and he's been managing on his own for 10 years. And managing like any self-respecting man would in light of the fact that the trespassers are illegal aliens who are suing him for defending his property against them.

I don't get how a someone filing a suit like this gets past the front door. In fact, I think the attorney bringing the suit should be disbarred for abusing the privileged of the bar. The judge should also be forced to undergo mental evaluation for hearing it. Hopefully, this is not going to turn into a Ramos and Compean. If so...well let's just hope our justice system declines to go there.
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