Word is out. According to an article on myfoxphoenix.com, Vicente Fox is after a piece of the action with a book of his own (in English). He aims to garner publicity by taunting the American public decrying us as racists.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Monday that the United States is letting racism dictate its policies, especially when it comes to immigration. "The xenophobics, the racists, those who feel they are a superior race ... they are deciding the future of this nation," he said, without naming names, in an interview with The Associated Press. In his first interview to promote his new book, "Revolution of Hope," Fox applauded President Bush's desire to pass an immigration accord that would allow more Mexicans to work legally in the U.S.But he criticized Bush for failing to pass the promised reform. --myfoxphoenix.comWhat orbit is Vicente in anyway? Why won't anybody tell him that all of us (white, black, yellow, red xenophobes) are supposed to be deciding the future of this nation...not the leaders of Mexico. Who told him Bush was God? He got sold a hill of beans and now he wants to salvage his crisis by selling us a book.
If the U.S. State Department had reason to believe that Americans were in trouble in another country, those Americans would be warned to leave that country. They would be assisted in leaving were that necessary. Considering the surge in American frustration and the crumbling buttress of American largess, Mexican illegals are facing a type of "threat" indeed. By contrast, with Margarita in hand, Mexican leaders are writing books and referendums to chide the U.S. for not providing for their citizens and their criminals. In my previous post, Fox's buddy Juan is also planning a book (in English too). He wants to address the growing anti-ILLEGAL immigration sentiment in America.
First of all, I hope not one American buys either book. But, you can bet that until those books are published, both Fox and Hernandez will continue to exploit the liberal media for free publicity by calling Americans racists and xenophobes. The Mexican elite wants to sell us books. They want Americans to buy books about why Mexican illegals should become citizens. The Mexican elite want us to give them money. They want Americans to pay them to tell us why we should give 30 million illegal Mexicans U.S. citizenship!
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