May 04, 2008

Recall Phil Gordon Petitions - Ready to Sign

Many have inquired how to sign the petitions to recall Phil Gordon. Here is an update on how to sign and/or volunteer to circulate petitions. Also, you must be a Phoenix resident to sign the petition, but you do not have to be a Phoenix resident to volunteer to circulate. ACU website:

News from ACU

We've obtained the recall petitions from our printer earlier this evening and they are now ready to be circulated and signed. We've posted on our website up coming locations for May 4th, May 6th and May 8th. More locations and times will be added as we get more volunteers to circulate the petitions. In addition to dedicated locations, petition circulators will also be canvassing different parts of the city and special events.

Sunday, May 4th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Mesquite Library Branch located 4525 Paradise Village Pkwy N (at Paradise Valley Mall). Please immediately go to the meeting room located on the left as you walk in. You may either sign the petition there or volunteer to become a petition circulator.

Tuesday, May 6th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Juniper Library Branch located at 1825 W Union Hills Dr. Please go to the meeting room. It’s located immediately past the information desk and across from the restrooms. You may either sign the petition there or volunteer to become a petition circulator.

Thursday, May 8th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Juniper Library Branch located at 1825 W Union Hills Dr. Please go to the meeting room. It’s located immediately past the information desk and across from the restrooms. You may either sign the petition there or volunteer to become a petition circulator.


Anonymous said...

Is there a date to sign the petition in the ahwatukee area soon?

J Arizona said...

The petition to recall gordon has finished the stage where signatures are collected. Check out their site:

As I understand it, only Phoenix residents may sign.

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