October 29, 2008

Joe the Plumber Should Sue

All he did was ask a question within earshot of a microphone. Now, Joe the Plumber is the subject of an ruthless invasion of privacy for his "outspokeness." Is this what dissenters have to look forward to in an Obama nation?

Police in Ohio confirmed that a Toledo police department records clerk is accused of using the police department data system to perform an illegal search on Joe Wurzelbacher's background. The clerk was part of the Toledo police Investigative Services Bureau. She claims she was doing a favor for a reporter. She has been charged with Gross Misconduct. Searching his records was a violation of State law not just department policy.

Immediately following the last debate, Obama donor and director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Helen Jones-Kelly, ordered a check on Wurzelbacher's background claiming, “Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look.”

Well Joe is mad and I don't blame him. However, the intimidation affects the rest of us regular Joes as much as it does him. Now that his job is toast, I hope he can make up for it in a lawsuit and send a message back for us. Do you think people would be less willing now to get involved in politics after hearing how he is being treated? Wouldn't this affect citizens who are conservative more than those who are liberal?

October 27, 2008

One Week We Change

In one week, you can pick a candidate who will at least preserve the Constitution that paved the way for the dreams you dared to dream. Or you can pick one who will at once dilute it.

In one week, you can pick a candidate who imperfectly loves his country. Or you can pick one who is perfectly at odds with it.

In one week, you can hand over one of the greatest republics on earth to a candidate who believes in it's inherent integrity. Or you can hand it over to one who believes it is inherently flawed.

Change comes from you, not from a man in an office or behind a curtain. If you want change for the better, change it for the better. Whatever it is. That's why you exist. Never cede your authority, gifts, or treasure to another, as inalienable means not transferable, and that's how YOU are to regard these things. Inalienable rights. They are for your use, your charity, and your profit. And they are precious, too precious to be traded for another man's good idea.

Choose well.

August 27, 2008

The Phil Gordon Recall - Thanks ACU!

Phil Gordon may take a sigh of relief with the knowledge that the petitions for his recall are due in the City Clerks office on August 28th. I would publicly like to thank American Citizens United for organizing the recall drive. They acted on what many Phoenicians were just dreaming about, and for that they are due a special thanks.

Without knowing when, what, who, where, and how many signatures where collected, I can only say, if you signed the petition, you are a friend of Phoenix. One thing this recall should have revealed to Phoenix residents is the true nature of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. Soliciting city employees to campaign for his re-election but preventing them from exercising their political right to sign the petition was a great example of just how little he intended to serve Phoenix as mayor. Rather, Phoenix is his step stool.

June 12, 2008

Do We Need a Brown President?

Well of course not. But if we really have the audacity to hope for "change" let's go in a healthier direction. I'm am keeping an eye on Bobby Jindal. He sure is getting his feet wet in Louisiana politics these days. The state legislature is planning to vote themselves a huge pay increase. From the math, it's going to cost the state roughly $5 million more annually. Compensation is proposed to increase from $16,800 to $50,790. I'm not convinced that sum is a budget-breaker, therefore I would concur with the battle Jindal is choosing NOT to fight. Besides, this may improve their prospects for a more honest, self-respecting body of legislators. God knows the reputation the state has for corruption.

Conservative Arizona legislators have made similar attempts to raise the Governor's salary, but veto-Napolitano wouldn't hear of it. A higher governor's salary risks attracting quality conservative candidates. Shh, but don't tell politicos in Louisiana, let this be our little secret.

May 13, 2008

Janet Napolitano Cuts Off Money for Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Janet Napolitano must be feeling desperate. In a foolish attempt to halt the enforcement of illegal immigration laws by Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio, she issued Executive Order 2008-22. Her order takes money from a grant dedicated to the Maricopa County Sheriff's office to fund a task force under her direct control through the Department of Public Safety. The new task force would seek out felony warrants and give priority to gang-related criminals and "undocumented" aliens.

Arizona Speaker of the House, James P. Weiers, says DPS has been allocated plenty of money for that purpose plus $1 million devoted to a Lexis-Nexis system which can find anyone. He said the agency should not have needed the sheriff's $1.2 million grant. The Speaker informed the press, that DPS has not used any of its own money yet which makes the governor's move very suspicious. In addition, none of the budgets of the other counties were touched.

The sheriff told the press today that the governor's Chief of Staff lied in saying that the sheriff was not sharing intelligence. The sheriff stated that his office sends intelligence constantly to her office.

It defies human logic that you can get more done with a task force than you can with a Sheriff with 160 federally trained officers, 4,000 employees and crime/immigration enforcement programs already in action. Napolitano has been governor for six years and attorney general prior to that says Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas. He finds it strange that only now she addresses the matter of felony warrants and at the last minute denies the grant her office promised to the sheriff.

What incredible gall! Everything about this move spells dirty politics. The governor's judgment is clouded by her ambitious desire to please special interests groups. The residents of Arizona mean squat—her agenda reigns supreme. Every conceivable poll taken in the state shows overwhelming support for the crime suppression and immigration enforcement being performed by the sheriff. Frankly, I'm kinda of glad this happened because it shines bright light on the real priorities of the Governor of Arizona.

Never mind a recall, impeach her now.

May 04, 2008

Recall Phil Gordon Petitions - Ready to Sign

Many have inquired how to sign the petitions to recall Phil Gordon. Here is an update on how to sign and/or volunteer to circulate petitions. Also, you must be a Phoenix resident to sign the petition, but you do not have to be a Phoenix resident to volunteer to circulate. ACU website: www.recallmayorgordon.com

News from ACU

We've obtained the recall petitions from our printer earlier this evening and they are now ready to be circulated and signed. We've posted on our website up coming locations for May 4th, May 6th and May 8th. More locations and times will be added as we get more volunteers to circulate the petitions. In addition to dedicated locations, petition circulators will also be canvassing different parts of the city and special events.

Sunday, May 4th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Mesquite Library Branch located 4525 Paradise Village Pkwy N (at Paradise Valley Mall). Please immediately go to the meeting room located on the left as you walk in. You may either sign the petition there or volunteer to become a petition circulator.

Tuesday, May 6th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Juniper Library Branch located at 1825 W Union Hills Dr. Please go to the meeting room. It’s located immediately past the information desk and across from the restrooms. You may either sign the petition there or volunteer to become a petition circulator.

Thursday, May 8th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Juniper Library Branch located at 1825 W Union Hills Dr. Please go to the meeting room. It’s located immediately past the information desk and across from the restrooms. You may either sign the petition there or volunteer to become a petition circulator.

May 02, 2008

Recall Phil Gordon-Redux

Like Troy Hayden of Fox 10, media types may be tempted to reflect on the recall of Phil Gordon in a sympathetic tone. It's not his fault that Phoenix has an illegal immigration problem. He doesn't have authority to deal with immigration issues, they could say.

Well not exactly.

Mayor Gordon didn't have authority to change Op Order 1.4 which he admitted, but he put on a charade and hired a panel to affect changes anyway. Mayor Gordon doesn't have authority over the county sheriff, but nothing stopped him from publicly excoriating the sheriff and calling him and the rest of Phoenix racists.

Mayor Gordon may not have authority to arrest illegal immigrants personally, but no one made him send a letter to the U.S. Attorney General complaining that the only elected official who had such authority was in fact arresting illegals.

Actually, he did have authority to mediate complaints by local business owners about loitering, littering, and the public nuisance in front of their stores caused by illegal immigrant day workers. No one made him renege his agreement with Pruitts Furniture to help resolve that problem.

He's had mucho opportunity to advance the best interests of legal residents in Phoenix regarding illegal immigration, and he refused them all. The city is in shambles with trash, gangs, violence and dangerous roads, but anytime anyone does anything about it, he leads with the racist, white supremacy rhetoric.

It's too late for sympathy, someone should have pulled him aside a long time ago and explained to him the ABC's of being a mayor.

May 01, 2008

Recall Phil Gordon

The recall effort was announced in a press conference today on the steps of the Arizona State capital building. What a beautiful day! It's ironic that voter turn-out has been so low. Twenty-five percent of the total vote of the last election is needed, so only 23,751 valid signatures are needed. In response, Phil Gordon is turning up the bravado and states he will triumph. Well, what about us? We haven't triumphed...over gangs, ID theft, auto thefts, DUIs and hit and runs. Mayor Phil Gordon has shown so little interest in the welfare of the residents of Phoenix it's criminal. He has promoted the good of special interests exclusively. He'll never understand his commitment to the legal residents of Phoenix. Finally, the colors of his true stripes. I think there will be more signatures for his recall than for his election.

April 29, 2008

Phil Gordon On His Way Out

phil gordonmr. bean

Phil Gordon has pulled a lot of stunts in the last three years trying to shift the blame for city's sanctuary policy. Only recently has he written the U.S. Attorney General decrying Sheriff Joe for upholding state and federal illegal immigration laws. However, the biggest parade was in 2007 when he pretended to investigate Police Operations Order 1.4. Gordon never had authority to direct subordinates of the City Manager to do anything. Needless to say, upon threat of a recall and an investigation by Judicial Watch. Gordon offered up a four-man panel staffed by four of his sympathizers to look into Operations Order 1.4. Needless to say, little came of it. Crime is way up in Phoenix. Gordon is still hissing all over town about being upstaged by the county Sheriff, and the residents of Phoenix are embarrassed and fixin' to send him back to Texas. They'll know what to do with him there.

Now with the fortune of a recall petition underway, the whiny mayor will fight this tooth and nail. And when he exhausts his LaRaza talking points he'll start calling us racists again. How would you like a mayor who regularly called you a racist? Who wants a job governing a town full of racists? Obviously, he doesn't.

Recall Petition For Phil Gordon

If you still want Gordon recalled, you got your wish. A petition recall of Phil Gordon was just announced. A press conference is set for Thursday, 9 am. There aren't a lot of details yet. Check out American Citizens United for more contact information.

Who: American Citizens United

Where: City Hall, 200 W. Washington St, Phoenix

When: Thursday May 1, 2008, 9:00AM

Stay tuned here for updates.

April 28, 2008

Support HCR2064

Governor Janet Napolitano is no friend to Arizona. She bowed again to illegal alien advocates and vetoes HB2807. Arizona will not back down to this invasion. Illegal alien population has crippled the State budget, endangers legal residents on the roadways. More than that repeat criminals coming across the border have mired law enforcement in immigration crises all over the state. Napolitano's actions amounts to treason. She should be run out of the state for malfeasance—recalled at the very least. One good thing is that she is enshrining into history and will forever be know as an advocate of illegal immigration.

There are still legislators in Arizona who love their country!! HB2807 required sheriffs and police departments in the State to tackle federal immigration violations. Arizona residents can still support support HCR2064. More later...

April 24, 2008

Arizona HB2807

A new bill just passed the Arizona legislature that requires sheriffs and police departments in the State to tackle federal immigration violations.

It prohibits restrictions on receiving or exchanging information about people's immigration status. The training lets police officers make immigration arrests while carrying out their regular duties. It also allows jail officers to speed up the deportations of criminal immigrants after they complete sentences on state violations, thus reducing local corrections costs and getting them in the hands of federal authorities quicker.

And, It prohibits restrictions on verifying eligibility for public benefits that are off limits to illegal immigrants! Those cases include determining the eligibility of people for public benefits that are off limits to illegal immigrants, confirming the identity of arrested people and verifying people's status if the status is required under law.

Consistent with her pro-illegal stance, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano will likely veto HB2807. However, voters can support HCR2064. The same thing but, in the form of a ballot initiative!!
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