April 29, 2008

Phil Gordon On His Way Out

phil gordonmr. bean

Phil Gordon has pulled a lot of stunts in the last three years trying to shift the blame for city's sanctuary policy. Only recently has he written the U.S. Attorney General decrying Sheriff Joe for upholding state and federal illegal immigration laws. However, the biggest parade was in 2007 when he pretended to investigate Police Operations Order 1.4. Gordon never had authority to direct subordinates of the City Manager to do anything. Needless to say, upon threat of a recall and an investigation by Judicial Watch. Gordon offered up a four-man panel staffed by four of his sympathizers to look into Operations Order 1.4. Needless to say, little came of it. Crime is way up in Phoenix. Gordon is still hissing all over town about being upstaged by the county Sheriff, and the residents of Phoenix are embarrassed and fixin' to send him back to Texas. They'll know what to do with him there.

Now with the fortune of a recall petition underway, the whiny mayor will fight this tooth and nail. And when he exhausts his LaRaza talking points he'll start calling us racists again. How would you like a mayor who regularly called you a racist? Who wants a job governing a town full of racists? Obviously, he doesn't.

Recall Petition For Phil Gordon

If you still want Gordon recalled, you got your wish. A petition recall of Phil Gordon was just announced. A press conference is set for Thursday, 9 am. There aren't a lot of details yet. Check out American Citizens United for more contact information.

Who: American Citizens United

Where: City Hall, 200 W. Washington St, Phoenix

When: Thursday May 1, 2008, 9:00AM

Stay tuned here for updates.

April 28, 2008

Support HCR2064

Governor Janet Napolitano is no friend to Arizona. She bowed again to illegal alien advocates and vetoes HB2807. Arizona will not back down to this invasion. Illegal alien population has crippled the State budget, endangers legal residents on the roadways. More than that repeat criminals coming across the border have mired law enforcement in immigration crises all over the state. Napolitano's actions amounts to treason. She should be run out of the state for malfeasance—recalled at the very least. One good thing is that she is enshrining into history and will forever be know as an advocate of illegal immigration.

There are still legislators in Arizona who love their country!! HB2807 required sheriffs and police departments in the State to tackle federal immigration violations. Arizona residents can still support support HCR2064. More later...

April 24, 2008

Arizona HB2807

A new bill just passed the Arizona legislature that requires sheriffs and police departments in the State to tackle federal immigration violations.

It prohibits restrictions on receiving or exchanging information about people's immigration status. The training lets police officers make immigration arrests while carrying out their regular duties. It also allows jail officers to speed up the deportations of criminal immigrants after they complete sentences on state violations, thus reducing local corrections costs and getting them in the hands of federal authorities quicker.

And, It prohibits restrictions on verifying eligibility for public benefits that are off limits to illegal immigrants! Those cases include determining the eligibility of people for public benefits that are off limits to illegal immigrants, confirming the identity of arrested people and verifying people's status if the status is required under law.

Consistent with her pro-illegal stance, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano will likely veto HB2807. However, voters can support HCR2064. The same thing but, in the form of a ballot initiative!!
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Don't silently let others mishandle the crises you will bear. Make some kind of noise...be heard.