June 12, 2008

Do We Need a Brown President?

Well of course not. But if we really have the audacity to hope for "change" let's go in a healthier direction. I'm am keeping an eye on Bobby Jindal. He sure is getting his feet wet in Louisiana politics these days. The state legislature is planning to vote themselves a huge pay increase. From the math, it's going to cost the state roughly $5 million more annually. Compensation is proposed to increase from $16,800 to $50,790. I'm not convinced that sum is a budget-breaker, therefore I would concur with the battle Jindal is choosing NOT to fight. Besides, this may improve their prospects for a more honest, self-respecting body of legislators. God knows the reputation the state has for corruption.

Conservative Arizona legislators have made similar attempts to raise the Governor's salary, but veto-Napolitano wouldn't hear of it. A higher governor's salary risks attracting quality conservative candidates. Shh, but don't tell politicos in Louisiana, let this be our little secret.

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