August 27, 2008

The Phil Gordon Recall - Thanks ACU!

Phil Gordon may take a sigh of relief with the knowledge that the petitions for his recall are due in the City Clerks office on August 28th. I would publicly like to thank American Citizens United for organizing the recall drive. They acted on what many Phoenicians were just dreaming about, and for that they are due a special thanks.

Without knowing when, what, who, where, and how many signatures where collected, I can only say, if you signed the petition, you are a friend of Phoenix. One thing this recall should have revealed to Phoenix residents is the true nature of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. Soliciting city employees to campaign for his re-election but preventing them from exercising their political right to sign the petition was a great example of just how little he intended to serve Phoenix as mayor. Rather, Phoenix is his step stool.

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Don't silently let others mishandle the crises you will bear. Make some kind of heard.