April 28, 2008

Support HCR2064

Governor Janet Napolitano is no friend to Arizona. She bowed again to illegal alien advocates and vetoes HB2807. Arizona will not back down to this invasion. Illegal alien population has crippled the State budget, endangers legal residents on the roadways. More than that repeat criminals coming across the border have mired law enforcement in immigration crises all over the state. Napolitano's actions amounts to treason. She should be run out of the state for malfeasance—recalled at the very least. One good thing is that she is enshrining into history and will forever be know as an advocate of illegal immigration.

There are still legislators in Arizona who love their country!! HB2807 required sheriffs and police departments in the State to tackle federal immigration violations. Arizona residents can still support support HCR2064. More later...
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