December 04, 2007

Mayor Phil Gordon Changes His Tune: Was He Telling the Truth In the First Place?

A gesture which was needed several years ago is still a non-issue because Gordon has not really done anything yet but talk about illegal immigration and Phoenix Op Order 1.4.3. Furthermore, it remains to be seen, what real change will come from his "panel" of friends. I agree with County Attorney Thomas, why is a panel needed to decide this issue? It ceases to amaze me what a big deal Gordon makes of his own selfish agenda.

Not two months ago, after a press conference with the Phoenix police union, Gordon declared he had no control over Phoenix Op Order 1.4.3. He verified that it was up to the Police Chief and he was not supposed to have any say in the matter. At that time, Gordon stood by the order and basically inferred we were racists to want to change it.

Gordon is untrustworthy at best. It would be a great disservice to the state of Arizona were he to pursue another elected position. All of his wrangling and manipulation suggests that he thinks Phoenix residents are mindless and forgetful stooges. Most definitely, we are not.

Not only that, but this week's latest propaganda attempt via the "Project for Arizona's Future" or better, the "Project for Phil Gordon's Future," adds to the general insult, reiterating the police chief's parroted point of view: "We believe it is inappropriate to shift the burden of this societal issue from the federal government onto the back of local law enforcement."

Now, enter the threat of a career-maiming law suit from Judicial Watch and Gordon sings a couple of octaves higher. He continues his shameless blame-fest against the federal government while trying to backpedal his way upstream to the governors office. Per his new edict, "the federal government is unable to complete what they should be doing, and I as mayor cannot allow the situation, the status quo, to stay the same and risk public safety."

Of all his blundering, transparently self-serving, politically-motivated, conspicuously egregious ploys, this takes the cake!

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